Introduction to Buck
31 October 2013
Shawn Pearce
Maintainer, Gerrit Code Review
Shawn Pearce
Maintainer, Gerrit Code Review
tl;dw: Buck is fast, Maven is ... not
java_library( name = 'greet_api', srcs = ['', ''], ) java_library( name = 'hello_world', srcs = ['', ''], deps = [':greet_api'], )
mvn package -Dmaven.{javadoc,test}.skip=true ... 6m50s buck build :gerrit ... 2m 3s buck test --all ... 2m 5s mvn package -Dmaven.{javadoc,test}.skip=true ... 4m44s buck build :gerrit ... 2s
mvn clean;mvn package
)buck build gerrit-server:constants
)Buck comes in source form as a Git repository
git clone cd buck ant # 8.736s PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH
Alternative is to symlink to buck
ln -s $(pwd)/bin/buck ~/bin/buck ln -s $(pwd)/bin/buckd ~/bin/buckd # optional
Android SDK configuration is only necessary to build Android applications
Written in files named BUCK
java_library( name = 'client', srcs = ['', ''], )
Targets (rules) are identified by filesystem path and name
plugins/replication/BUCK: java_library(name = 'replication', ...) java_library(name = 'utils', ...)
prebuilt_jar( name = 'guava', binary_jar = 'guava.jar', )
java_library( name = 'client', srcs = ['', ''], resources = ['', 'icon.gif'], deps = ['//lib:guava'], ) java_binary( name = 'my_app', main_class = 'Client', deps = [':client'], )
prebuilt_jar( name = 'guava', binary_jar = 'guava.jar', )
java_library( name = 'client', srcs = ['', ''], resources = ['', 'icon.gif'], deps = ['//lib:guava'], )
java_binary( name = 'my_app', main_class = 'Client', deps = [':client'], )
java_test( name = 'tests', srcs = ['', ''], deps = [':client', '//lib:junit'], source_under_test = [':client'], )
java_test(name = 'ClientTest', srcs = [''], deps = [':client', '//lib:junit']) java_test(name = 'WindowTest', srcs = [''], deps = [':client', '//lib:junit'])
Python functions to shorten build files
def parallel_test(srcs, deps = []): """Defines one java_test rule per source file.""" for s in srcs: n = s[:s.index('.java')] java_test(name = n, srcs = [s], deps = deps)
Use macros in BUCK files
include_defs('//tools/parallel_test.defs') parallel_test( srcs = glob(['*']), deps = [':client', ':junit'], )
matches anything in a directory, '/**/'
matches recursivelyTEST = glob(['src/main/java/**/*']) API = ['src/main/java/com/mypkg/', 'src/main/java/com/mypkg/'] java_library( name = 'hello_world', srcs = glob(['src/main/java/**/*.java'], excludes = API + TEST), deps = [':api'], ) java_library(name = 'api', srcs = API) java_test( name = 'tests', srcs = TEST, deps = [':api', ':hello_world'], )
Automatically download from Maven Central
prebuilt_jar( name = 'some_lib', binary_jar = genfile('some.jar'), deps = [':download'], ) genrule( name = 'download', cmd = 'curl >$OUT', out = 'some.jar', )
/bin/bash -ec
for execution of cmd
replaced with location of out
Concatenate 3 files together
genrule( name = 'concat', srcs = ['content.txt', 'header.html', 'footer.html'], cmd = 'cat $SRCDIR/header.html $SRCDIR/content.txt $SRCDIR/footer.html >$OUT', out = 'content.html', )
is a flat directory tree of all files named as srcs
genrule( name = 'gen_antlr', srcs = ['Query.g'], cmd = '$(exe :antlr) -o $TMP $SRCS; jar cf $OUT -C $TMP .', deps = [':antlr'], out = '', ) java_library( name = 'query_parser', srcs = [genfile('')], deps = [':gen_antlr'], ) prebuilt_jar(name = 'antlr_jar', binary_jar = 'antlr.jar') java_binary(name = 'antlr', main_class = 'org.antlr.Tool', deps = [':antlr_jar'])
($exe target)
is an empty directory private to the
java_library( name = 'this-module', srcs = glob(['src/main/java/**/*.java']), resources = glob(['src/main/resources/**/*']), deps = [ '//other-module:other-module', '//lib:gson', '//lib:gauva', ], visibility = ['PUBLIC'], )
enumerated all prebuilt_jars() from Maven Centrallib/BUCK
include_defs('//lib/maven.defs') maven_jar( name = 'gson', id = '', sha1 = '2e66da15851f9f5b5079228f856c2f090ba98c38', license = 'Apache2.0', ) maven_jar( name = 'guava', id = '', sha1 = '67b7be4ee7ba48e4828a42d6d5069761186d4a53', license = 'Apache2.0', )
Create .buckversion
with Git SHA-1 of Buck:
(cd ~/buck; git rev-parse HEAD) >.buckversion git add .buckversion
Temporarily disable version enforcement using .nobuckcheck
touch .nobuckcheck
Add aliases for common targets to .buckconfig
[alias] docs = //Documentation:html server = //gerrit-server:server buck build docs # instead of buck build Documentation:html
Configure project-wide macro rules in .buckconfig
[buildfile] includes = //tools/default.rules
Use buckd for faster incremental builds:
~/buck/bin/buckd time buck :gerrit ... 0.5s # without buckd, 2s
If using git and buckd, ignore .git
in .buckconfig
[project] ignore = .git
Enable local artifact caching in .buckconfig.local
[cache] mode = dir dir = buck-cache
Configure source roots in .buckconfig
[java] src_roots = java, resources
Borrow Gerrit Code Review's maven_jar()
maven_jar( name = 'guava', id = '', sha1 = 'ed727a8d9f247e2050281cb083f1c77b09dcb5cd', license = 'Apache2.0', )